Again, another post full of misc. information that is not enough for one post.
1. I'm really glad people in Europe drink Fanta. I always got worried during the movie previews about who actually bought Fanta, because I know of no one in the States who drinks it on a regular basis. And perosnally, Fanta de limon is one of the best things about Europe.
2. I managed to secure one of the five bottles of conditioner in Spain. Just like no one here in Spain trips, no one gets knots in their hair.
3. I have been able to witness some household phenomenons that normally I am at school when they occur. First, the arrival of the groceries. I like how they just deliver it right into your kitchen. Secondly, the arrival and subsequent issues with Conchi's new mueble, a new entertainment set. Very spiffy. Third, the other night I was looking for tin foil and came across the stockpile of food. Relating back to the first point in this bullet, I guess Conchi's grocery order is the same thing every week. There was like three cows' worth of milk and I'm not even kidding - six to seven bottles of ketchup. When in your life you would need this much ketchup, I don't know, but I can rest assured that Conchi has it. Just in case there is a shortage or something.
4. I went to the beach this weekend and got some color on my face. Meanwhile, people on the boardwalk were still walking around in winter clothes.
5. Saturday night had to have been one of the worst nights here in Sevilla, but I think I finally realized that no matter hard I try I will not be accepted here. First, I was called ugly. Then, my Spanish abilities were insulted (two separate people here, both boys around my age). And yes, I know that I'll always have an American accent and my pronunciation isn't where it should be. But I try very hard everyday and that just kind of blows you know. Meanwhile, the guy who told us our Spanish sucked only learned certain phrases in English so he could pick up girls. And his English was horrible, and should he ever go to an English speaking country they'll clearly know he is not a native. After these events, I feel like I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore if my Spanish blows or not. And I think that's where I need to be to get the most out of this experience.
6. The tuna pizza made a reappearence last night. I did not die of a toxic tuna overdose. I think there was less tuna in there this time.
7. I have not missed my friends yet as much as I have missed them this weekend.
8. Blogger takes forever to load here, impeding the updating process, because I have no patience.
9. I'm going to buy a bike for this summer/next semester. Everyone should think about this, take their time, and think of some really good joke about me on the bike. I know this is perfect material for you all. Get back to me.
10. I wish I had brought over some DVDs. Danielle and I were talking about Good Will Hunting last night and I could have really gone for watching the movie. Speaking of TV, the other day I finally found the remotes (Conchi hides them, I'm not even kidding, we can never find them) and she came home and it looked like I was going to get my head cut off for watching the Disney channel. Mighty Joe Young had never looked so appealing, my friends.