Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This was one of the many beautiful vistas from Ronda, the Ithaca of Europe. Minus the hippies of course. Although today, while walking with a professor to buy a screenplay for my cinema class (16 Euros! And the exchange rate is getting worse) I found the ecologically-friendly, indie-art scene of Sevilla. Reminded me of Ithaca, except minus the lack of English and gorges.
There was something really interesting I had to post here and now I forget this great story I had to share with everyone. Sigh. It will come to me later.
This whole daylight savings switch is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard of. I'd like to know who came up with changing the clocks back earlier than normal in the states. And on the topic of energy conservation, I'd just like to say that I'm most likely going to be taking a class about sustainability and the environment next semester. I'm also looking into investing in a bike. I use both sides of the paper, I'm pro-alternative fuels, I recycle when I can, and I never met a carpool I didn't like. So I'm just warning anyone that wants to try me again about how I'm unsustainable to back off. Sustainability does not equal watching "An Inconvenient Truth."
The other morning I really wanted pancakes, and in my half-awake, half-sleep state I actually thought my mom was downstairs making them. Imagine my surprise when I was greeted by diet peach marmelade and toast. I miss the pancakes...and I guess my mom too....
Granada this weekend. Woo ancient Arab history!